Why Hire a Professional Cleaner for your Big Easter Clean?

The Easter holidays present a great opportunity to undertake the traditional Spring clean, with a wide range of housekeeping tasks to be tackled.

But for those who have to work during the school break, are taking a well-earned holiday or have childcare and family priorities to consider, finding time can be really difficult.

Out with The Old and In with The New – Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year again. Spring is here and it’s an ideal time to start clearing out the old clutter and kickstarting good habits. Over the course of the year, it’s easy to neglect certain aspects of your home, so spring cleaning provides a good chance to tackle forgotten cleaning tasks.

Still Need Help with Your Post-Christmas Clean-Up?

Christmas is long gone, but in many households, tell-tale signs still remain in the home.

In addition to bringing many hours of fun and festivities, the Christmas period also leaves our homes filled with mess and clutter for some time. If you worked over the Christmas period, in between your day job and spending time with your family and friends, it’s likely there was little time to clear up the mounds of clutter that appeared all over the house. Even if you had some time off over Christmas, many of us spend most of our time away from our home, or have guests staying over.

Essential Tips for Keeping A Pet and A Clean Home

A pet friendly home is a happy home. However, it can also quickly become a disorderly home if you do not employ recommended cleaning habits. With fur, muddy paws and long nails, a pet can bring odour and mess into your home.

Understandably, some people may struggle balancing pets and a clean home. Which is why we listed our top low maintenance tips for a clean pet friendly home:

How long will you spend on pre-Christmas cleaning?

With Christmas less than a week away, it is easy to get carried away with the Christmas spirit and forget about all the hard work and effort that goes into delivering a successful festive season. However, as anyone who has ever hosted Christmas guests will know, now is the time for mad rushing around, cleaning everything in sight and getting guest bedrooms prepared for festive visitors.