Cleaning Habits to Adopt in the New Year

Maintaining a clean and tidy home is so beneficial for you and your family. As well as providing a better living space, it can help your mind feel relaxed and eager to be productive.

A clean living space will also be a lot healthier for your family. Although it doesn’t have to be sterile, a clean and dust free environment can help guard the spread of germs.

The start of the new year is typically the time to reinforce good habits and work towards our goals. Leading a cleaner lifestyle is a great goal, starting with our top cleaning habits to adopt in 2019:

Declutter Your Space

Begin the new year with a huge declutter. Empty your closet and rehang your clothes, excluding what you haven’t worn in the last six months. Empty all of your ‘junk draws’ and find an appropriate place for everything. Go through your children’s toys and donate what they don’t use and throw away what is broken.

Tackling one or two spaces per day will eventually present you with a neater home, free of clutter and chaos.

Keep Everything Organised

Forming a habit is all about creating a routine and encouraging yourself to repeat it daily. Although there is an online debate on the exact number of days it takes to form a habit, in short it takes just under a month. Within this month you should make it second nature to fold your clothes after ironing, wash the dishes straight after eating and generally cleaning up after yourself as soon as it needs to be done.

A good guideline to follow is the two minute rule. If a task can be completed within two minutes, complete it there and then. This helps to combat procrastination and laziness with chores.

Make Your Bed Every Morning

Starting your morning by making your bed can set you up for a productive day. Many people believe that a clear space provides a clear mind. Reflect on the sudden relaxation you feel when entering a tidy hotel room and replicate that feeling with your own room.

As well as providing comfort after a long day making your bed can make your bedroom instantly look tidier. This can encourage you to adopt other good habits for a neater and more organised lifestyle.

Eliminate Odours

For at least 15 minutes per day, open your windows to allow fresh air to circulate. This allows you to eliminate unpleasant odours and avoid your home feeling stuffy.

For your kitchen, ensure to regularly book your fridge, oven and microwave in for a deep clean. For your bathroom, ensure to regularly have your toilet cleaned and clear out the plugs. Without routine cleaning, these appliances can store unpleasant odours which can air throughout your home.

Hiring a Cleaner

Go into the new year with the focus and determination to work on your resolutions. Free up time in your schedule to focus and work towards your goals. Although having a clean home is essential to living a more relaxed and organised lifestyle, there is always help available.

Hiring a professional cleaner allows you to focus on work rather than if your bathroom is due for another blitz. Continue to form good habits to make daily life a little neater, such as making your bed and washing dishes. However, don’t dwell on the more time consuming tasks by hiring a cleaner to do it for you.

At Hertfordshire Domestique our team are professionally trained with specialist knowledge and appropriate equipment to make your home sparkle. Browse our service packages or call 01727 808 710 today for more information.